This group is a non-profit organization for parents, family, and friends of children who are blind or visually impaired, including those with additional disabilities. The meetings are informal gatherings for families and kids. Mssion is to Connect, Inspire and Empower Families Affected by Visual Impairment through parent connections, support and activities. This means we work with parents to help them meet and connect with other parents to share information and support,
What we do:
• Enable parents to find relevant information and resources.
• Offer networking opportunities and events to connect families
• Foster communication among the agencies and organizations
• Increase public awareness so our children are included in their community
Houston, TX
Accessible Location: No
Type of Organization | Nonprofit (501c3) |
Categories | Disability Specific, Emotional Support |
Services offered in Spanish? | yes |
Newsletter? | yes |
Child Care Available? | No |
Age Range | Birth - 3 , 3-5 , 6-11 , 12-14 , 15-21 |
Disability Categories | Medical Condition |
Does this organization belong to all disabilities? | No |
This organization belongs to these diagnoses | |
Is this a statewide parent group? | yes |
Website | |
Contact Name | |
Email Address | [email protected] |
Phone Number |