February 6, 2016 | By: Family to Family Network
Categories: Education & Schools
Education service centers provide support to school district employees and parents. They provide resources and information to parents and schools, provide focus on student improvement, and serve as a first point of contact for questions regarding special education guidelines and services.
Region 7 ESC (Kilgore) serves the following counties in this region: Angelina, Nacogdoches, Sabine, San Augustine and Shelby.
Region 7 ESC Special Education Department is committed to helping parents of all students. By having accurate information, parents can make good choices about their child’s learning. The ESC strives to improve the joint effort between parents and schools by offering trainings for both groups. There are also specific courses geared to meet parents’ needs. They have a list of all the courses offered in person, or online video webinars.
There are many workshops offered at ESCs that parents can attend. You can search by topics such as autism, behavior, PPCD, transition, etc. Even though some of the topics seem more for the teachers, they can help parents as well. For example, one workshop is on “Aligning the IEP with the TEKS.” Participants will learn ways to adapt grade-level curriculum for students with moderate and severe disabilities. This may be a good workshop for parents to learn more about IEP goal development for their child. There is another workshop called “Making Sure Transition Plans Provide FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education).” This is an excellent opportunity for parents to learn more about the transition plan for children age 15 and older.
By attending a workshop, a parent can learn new skills and become a more effective member of the IEP team and can improve educational outcomes for their child.
For more information, contact Donna Holt, the Parent contact at Region 7. She can be reached at 903-988-6896 or by email. Region 7 ESC is located at 1909 North Longview Street in Kilgore.
Please Note: The ESC asks that you do not bring children under the age of 18 with you when you attend trainings. Following this rule will help maintain an expert learning setting and ensure the safety of minors.
Be sure to check out our Find Services, Groups and Events page for more training opportunities.
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