February 4, 2016 | By: Stephania WIlliams
Categories: Education & Schools
Students with disabilities sometimes have a hard time in the classroom and may need one-on-one help to understand the lesson. Children who struggle in school sometimes feel lost or like a number in the school system. If your child is having a hard time, maybe they need extra help.
It can be frustrating to need extra help and not know how to ask for it. When it seems as though everyone around you “gets” it but you, it can be tempting to give up. Don’t let your child give up—there’s help.
One-on-one tutoring in the home, community, or an agency can help a child feel included in the learning process and can have major benefits. Check with your school to see if they have a tutoring program. Most schools provide tutoring before or after class to help a student gain additional skills.
Tutoring in school should be based on and tailored to the child’s individual education plan. If the child uses assistive technology or other equipment, that should be provided to the student to use during tutoring. Tutoring in a school setting requires that teaching methods be research-based.
Consider age, grade, math, reading, writing levels, social and behavioral needs, and skills prior to signing up for tutoring. Collaborating with the school, teacher, tutor and child is essential to the success of your child.
If you use an organization in the community, you might want to share your child’s education plan with their staff. Ensure school and tutoring goals are coordinated. Create a baseline for improvement to share with the school. Assist in their evaluation process. Whatever tutoring program you choose, it should consider your child’s needs and teach at their own pace and ability.
The National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) provides educators and parents with a research forum where new teaching methods and ideas can be exchanged and discussed. To find out more about teaching methods that might be effective for your child visit their website.
The city of Waco offers homework help for kids in grades K-8 at a couple of local library locations. In addition, here is a list of tutoring locations in Waco for kids & after school programs that you can download. You can also search for helpful resources on our Find Services, Groups and Events page.
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