Chuck E. Cheese is proud to support families who have children with autism and other special needs. Through their Sensory Sensitive Sundays program, they offer families a quieter dining and entertainment environment, dimmed lighting and a sensory-friendly arcade experience. Their sensory-friendly events also include a trained and caring staff to ensure each guest has a safe, fun-filled visit.
Austin, 78728, TX
Building Name or Description: Chuck- E- Cheese
Accessible Location: Yes
Type of Organization | For Profit |
Categories | Social Event |
Services offered in Spanish? | No |
Newsletter? | No |
Fee to Attend? | No |
Financial Assistance May Be Available | No |
Child Care Available? | No |
Age Range | All Ages |
Disability Categories | Mental Health Disorder |
Does this organization belong to all disabilities? | No |
This organization belongs to these diagnoses | Autism Spectrum Disorder (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) |
Website | |
Contact Name | |
Email Address | |
Phone Number |