Family Endeavors Community Based Services provides for families, seniors, children, veterans, and individuals with significant disabilities. Program services include:arrangement for and transport of clients to medical appointments, assistance for clients with financial management, locating and contacting resources to obtain emergency assistance, assist clients with applications for Food Stamps, Social Security and other benefits or social services, visiting clients to monitor the living situations and provide feedback to the case manager, family and /or guardian and obtaining and delivery of food, medication and/or other items that are needed to provide for the health and safety of the client.
6363 De Zavala Rd.
San Antonio, 78249, TX
Accessible Location: Yes
Type of Organization | Nonprofit (501c3) |
Categories | Case Management, Counseling, Emotional Support, Equipment, Financial, Health & Fitness, Housing, Job Coaching/Support, Medical, Mental Health, Prescription Drug Assistance, Transportation, Other |
Services offered in Spanish? | yes |
Newsletter? | yes |
Child Care Available? | No |
Age Range | All Ages |
Disability Categories | Developmental Disability, Genetic or Congenital Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Learning Disability, Medical Condition, Mental Health Disorder, Physical Disability |
Does this organization belong to all disabilities? | yes |
This organization belongs to these diagnoses | |
Is this a statewide service? | yes |
Website | |
Contact Name | |
Email Address | [email protected] |
Phone Number | 210-431-6466 |