Eva's Heroes is a San Antonio non-profit organization that provides programs for persons ages 14 and older. Eva's Heroes facilitates community activities such as shows at the Majestic Theater, Spurs games, and other local events; summer enrichment program during June and July that takes place at different locations throughout San Antonio and South Texas. Coffee Spot is a program for parents, guardians and siblings of persons with intellectual disabilities. Family Activities provides tickets for families of persons with intellectual disabilities to attend various community and sports events.
11120 Wurzbach Rd., Suite 300
San Antonio, 78230, TX
Accessible Location: Yes
Type of Organization | Nonprofit (501c3) |
Categories | Camp, Child Care, Disability Specific, Emotional Support, Recreation, Sibling Activity, Social Media, Teen Activity, Training, Volunteer Opportunity, Other |
Services offered in Spanish? | yes |
Newsletter? | No |
Child Care Available? | No |
Age Range | All Ages , 15-21 , 22 and up |
Disability Categories | Developmental Disability, Intellectual Disability |
Does this organization belong to all disabilities? | No |
This organization belongs to these diagnoses | |
Is this a statewide service? | No |
Website | http://www.evasheroes.org/ |
Contact Name | Jenn Stevenson |
Email Address | [email protected] |
Phone Number | 210-694-9090 |