Whispers of Hope Horse Farm is a therapeutic riding facility providing equine therapy for individuals with physical or mental disabilities. For 14 years, they have provided all services free of charge to children, ages 2 to 18, and to wounded soldiers in their area. Over the past 2 years, they have begun to provide services to adults with disabilities and encourage participation at all levels. They provide weekly therapy sessions, opportunities for children and adults to learn about horses and become independent as possible. They provide a safe place for adults with disabilities to learn a skill of work ethics and can help others and learn to ride a horse. Whispers of Hope Horse Farm provides opportunities for people with disabilities over the age of 12 to compete in Special Olympics. Additionally, they have a local horse show with participation beginning with children as young as 6.
3545 Parkhill Road
Wichita Falls, 76310, TX
Building Name or Description: Whispers of Hope Horse Farm Barn and Arena
Accessible Location: Yes
Type of Organization | Equine Therapy |
Categories | Camp, Disability Specific, Emotional Support, Faith-Based Ministries, Mental Health, Teen Activity, Therapy, Volunteer Opportunity |
Services offered in Spanish? | No |
Newsletter? | yes |
Child Care Available? | No |
Age Range | All Ages |
Disability Categories | Developmental Disability, Genetic or Congenital Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Learning Disability, Medical Condition, Mental Health Disorder, Physical Disability |
Does this organization belong to all disabilities? | yes |
This organization belongs to these diagnoses | |
Is this a statewide service? | No |
Website | http://www.whispersofhopehf.org |
Contact Name | Mary Elizabeth Pearce |
Email Address | [email protected] |
Phone Number | 940-696-8044 |