January 27, 2016 | By: Loretta Castro
Categories: Education & Schools
Navigate Life Texas works to maintain the accuracy and integrity of the content on this site. This blog has been updated since its first publication to reflect changes with other organizations, links to other sites and other information. The substance of the article and the writer’s story have not been altered.
My daughter used to have meltdowns and severe behaviors because she could not communicate. Her world seemed out of sorts for her at times. The Picture Exchange Communication (PECS) system helped a lot.
The PECS system (pronounced “pex”) helps children and adults communicate with pictures instead of words. Training to use the PECS system and how to communicate using the pictures and the cards can be done by a parent, caregiver or therapist. Many schools are using this form of communication to teach children with autism and other communication-related disabilities. The special education department can help you learn how to use the PECS system in your home.
In our case, the school helped us out on several occasions in our home and in the community. I made cards with pictures attached that I carried around with me. I used them in many situations and outings. I showed my daughter the pictures of the thing that I wanted her to do.
She used the PECS system to communicate with me as well. For example, she would take the card holder from me and find the card that showed someone drinking. That would let me know that she was thirsty. If she was hungry, she could show me the card that displayed a person eating. You can make cards for whatever you need to communicate with each other.
When we were introduced to the system it made a big difference in our lives. The visual schedule helped her understand what was going on and what was happening next. She learned to communicate using the PECS system.
The Six Phases of the Picture Exchange Communication System are:
The child with autism learns to exchange single pictures for items or activities they want.
Still using single pictures, the child learns to generalize this new skill by using it in different places, with different people and across distances. They are also taught to be more persistent communicators.
The child learns to select from two or more pictures to ask for their favorite things. These are placed in a communication book, a ring binder with Velcro strips where pictures are stored and easily removed for communication.
The child learns to construct simple sentences on a detachable sentence strip using an "I want" picture followed by a picture of the item being requested.
The child learns to use PECS to answer the question, "What do you want?"
Finally, the child is taught to comment in response to questions. ‘What do you see?” “What do you hear?” “What is it?” They learn to make up sentences starting with “I see,” “I hear,” “I feel,” “It is a,” etc.
Below are a few resources that can help you make some PECS cards for your child. You can also contact the special education department at your child’s school for help making cards. They may also help you laminate some of them.
You can also locate more communication resources on our Assistive Technology & Adaptive Equipment page or search our Find Services, Groups and Events page.
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