March 17, 2018 | By: Family to Family Network
Categories: Insurance & Financial Help
Medicaid Waivers are state Medicaid programs that provide long-term services and supports for people with disabilities, and who are elderly, to help them live in the community. If you haven’t already done so, get your child’s name on the Medicaid Waiver interest lists as soon as possible!
You can place your child’s name on all interest lists that may apply and choose between programs as they become available. Texas has seven waiver programs, and each one has its own interest list. Visit the Navigate Life Texas waivers page to find out how to add your child to these interest lists.
While your child’s name is on the interest lists, here are some things you can do to get help for your child:
Be prepared for the big day when your child’s name reaches the top of the waiting list. Watch for our companion blog next month: Your child’s name just came up on the Medicaid waiver list. Now what?!
You can also find information on the Medicaid Waivers on this on this website.
When you have a child with a disability, you may have some expenses throughout the year that qualify for a deduction or credit on your tax return. Don’t wait until April to understand what’s required to support these claims.
Categories: Insurance & Financial Help
When my daughter was eight years old, my sister, who was a case manager for a Home and Community-based Services (HCS) program, told me to get my daughter’s name on “the list.” At that moment, I had no idea how important it would be for her future.
Categories: Insurance & Financial Help, Family Support
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we asked parents of children with disabilities and special health care needs to share their tips and stories about caring for their children during difficult times.
Categories: Insurance & Financial Help, Family Support