September 9, 2022 | By: Leslie Curtis
Categories: Diagnosis & Health Care
Over the years, I have tried to stay organized and keep medical records up to date for our son, Jackson, just in case I must go to the hospital for an unexpected stay. Recently, we had to resort to my medical care planning documents and I’m glad we had them.
After getting the idea from a friend who keeps her family’s medical records organized, I updated a folder with my son’s medical information. My husband is a very hands-on dad, but he isn’t as familiar with the details of our son’s medications, doctors, state programs, etc. I wanted to make sure he had everything he needed to manage Jackson’s medical care if I wasn’t there to help.
With any child with multiple disabilities, I think it’s a great help to have one place where you have medical resources such as doctors’ names and contact information. Here is my binder system:
This system gives me a little peace of mind and helps my husband if and when he needs to be in charge of Jackson’s care. Here is more information on creating a Care Notebook.
Brushing your child’s teeth from an early age can keep them healthy and their teeth strong. Children with disabilities often need extra help with oral hygiene.
Categories: Diagnosis & Health Care
Healthcare decisions should be based on the needs of patients, not their age. Pediatric patients are treated based on their size. The right dose of medicine is determined using their height and weight. Equipment is sized for their safety and comfort.
Categories: Diagnosis & Health Care
Autism can be scary, but it’s nothing like seizures.
Categories: Diagnosis & Health Care, Family Support