January 27, 2016 | By: Monica Castillo
Categories: Family Support
Based in San Marcos, the Central Texas Autism Network (CTAN) is a parent group that works to support families living with autism and other disabilities. The Central Texas Autism Network provides families with guidance and support. CTAN Support Group meetings are held on the last Tuesday of every month, 6:30 p.m., at the Central Texas Medical Center.
Families are invited to join the meeting to learn about resources and supports to help their families. The monthly group meetings give families a way to connect. Meetings are held in a safe, comfortable and inclusive environment. A variety of topics are addressed and presented upon. Families share stories and experiences that help build supportive relationships.
CTAN organizes family activities and social outings for families to enjoy as well. By joining CTAN meetings, families discover that they are not alone on their journey. They receive help with support and guidance, personal advocacy, and educational trainings. The community awareness, education, trainings and support for autism and other special health care needs helps to promote inclusive communities and health care services for all children.
You can contact CTAN by leaving a message on their website or by email. For more information on upcoming meetings or events, visit their website or join their Facebook group.
And don’t forget that you can search for other resources in your area on our Find Services, Groups and Events page.
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Categories: Family Support