June 24, 2017 | By: Family to Family Network
Categories: Family Support
Some may think that bullying is a harmless rite of childhood that everyone experiences. IT IS NOT! Bullying can have a negative and far-reaching impact on a student’s life.
Bullying is not limited to physical harm; it occurs in many forms. Gossiping, purposeful exclusion, insulting, and verbal taunting are all forms of bullying. Cyberbullying has become a prevalent form of bullying, where mean and inappropriate comments are posted on social media.
Sometimes, a child is reluctant to tell anyone that they are being bullied. There could be many reasons for this. The bully may have threatened the child. The child may fear that if they report the person, the bullying won’t stop or may become worse, or that the bully will harm a friend or family member.
If you suspect your child is being bullied, report the incident(s) immediately to school personnel. It is important to get help for the child right away. School counselors and other professionals should be consulted.
Yet, no matter how diligent teachers and administrators are, bullying still happens. It can happen in bathrooms, hallways, playgrounds, and on social media, where students are often the only ones around to police themselves.
What can help:
You can also learn more about bullying and cyber-bullying on the Texas Education Agency website.
It’s up to the parent and schools to protect our children and to teach them to protect themselves.
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