February 8, 2023 | By: DeAnna Medart
Categories: Family Support
We have a child with multiple disabilities. To look at him, you would not know, though. He is highly intelligent, witty, funny, loving and very caring. I am constantly amazed, proud and amused by him. So much joy is involved in raising him and being with him.
His disabilities can cause his emotions to quickly turn into sadness, confusion and sometimes anger.
He struggles to learn in school due to several learning disorders and behavioral issues. And he has very little social filter. So, you never know what is going to come out of his mouth at any given moment.
He has difficulties with social skills and as a result has a hard time making and keeping friends. This especially saddens and confuses me. My own anger generally comes in with the adults who just assume he's a "bad" kid and don’t want him around their kids.
Parenting him is often not easy, but patience is key. Sometimes I realize too late to keep my voice low, but remaining as calm as possible gets us back on track. Depending on the situation, sometimes, the best decision for my son, can mean missing out on events and festivities to avoid the confusion and chaos that may be involved.
But oh, the joy of seeing him find something he loves and watching him try and try and succeed at it! That feeling pushes the defeats completely out of the picture.
Parenting kids with disabilities is next-level parenting but also next-level joy.
Helpful information about parenting a child with disabilities can be found here.
Help get your child’s education back on track when someone overlooks their potential.
Categories: Family Support, Education & Schools
Assistive Technology helps a person with a disability complete daily tasks. It helps them follow a schedule, tell time, hear, speak and more. Assistive Technology can help a person with a disability have a good life.
Categories: Family Support
One of my favorite quotes is, “There are two gifts we should give our children: one is roots and the other is wings.” As a mom, I couldn’t agree more. Our children need roots to grow and wings to soar.
Categories: Family Support