January 27, 2016 | By: Uniting Parents/Coalition of Health Services, Inc.
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Special Olympics 16 – Panhandle Area provides motivation and support to the children and adults involved in Special Olympics. Special Olympics Texas encourages children and adults to take part in something much greater than themselves. Their mission is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition.
Special Olympics Texas programs include Athlete Leadership Programs, Young Athlete Programs, Healthy Athletes and more. Visit Special Olympics Texas for information about their programs.
Summer sports include basketball, cycling, tennis and more. Golf and softball are just a couple of the fall sports that are offered. Bowling, volleyball, roller skating and several other fun sports take place in the winter. Special Olympics Texas athletes must train for at least 8 weeks prior to each competition. Athletes are trained by volunteer coaches who have completed a required certification program and training.
The Athlete Leadership programs offer athletes the chance to take on roles and join in activities that used to be considered “non-traditional.” Several programs focus on basic motor tracking, motor skills and physical fitness. The Healthy Athletes program offers free health screenings, which helps athletes overcome anxiety about doctor or dentist visits. Unified Sports® helps to further inclusion and acceptance in schools. Other activities vary but include public speaking and coaching. Community involvement, social skills training and more are also offered.
Family support is an important part of Special Olympics Texas activities and events. Family members provide critical support to their family member athletes. Families can help improve the program by sharing their ideas.
There are quite a few ways to help Special Olympics Texas as a volunteer. Volunteers serve as coaches, officials, speech coaches and more. How about becoming a sponsor? Sponsor funds help support year-round sports training and competition.
Special Olympics 16 – Panhandle Area serves 600 children and adults in 26 counties in the Texas Panhandle. They offer 22 sports activities, so there is sure to be something everyone will like. You can reach them at 806-374-7171 or by emailing [email protected].
Be sure to check out their website for more information. For more information on other events and groups in your area, check out our Find Services, Groups and Events page.