March 30, 2016 | By: Beth Coke
Categories: Family Support
The Texas Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Childhood Obesity (TCPTCO) isn’t known to many in our area, but it should be. Their work is important. Many children struggle with their weight, and the TCPTCO helps children that are overweight in Central Texas.
The Center focuses on helping children lose extra weight and the resulting health problems. Doctors, nutritionists, dietitians, and therapists work together on the causes of weight gain. The Center offers support groups and cooking classes––just two ways they put children on the road to weight loss. The program works with the whole family, teaching healthier ways to cook and eat.
Studies show that weight loss is easier when the whole family does it together. After all, eating can be an emotional activity, task and for many families, meals are a big part of their culture and tradition. And with our children using more technology these days, it is easy to lose our family meals to smartphones and tablets.
TCPTCO is bringing families back to meal times––when families talk, support each not only in their weight loss goals, but in day-to-day matters.
Please check out the TCPTCO website for the Center. Or contact them by calling 512-324-9999, Ext. 86437. They offer many helpful resources. And you can sign up for the Family 5k and Fun Fair. Hope to see you all there!
You can find other 5K runs/walks and fairs by going to our Find Services, Groups, and Events page.
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