August 17, 2018 | By: Marty Barnes
Categories: Diagnosis & Health Care, Family Support
How many times has your child’s doctor asked you to collect a urine sample? I couldn’t even begin to guess that number. When your child is in diapers, this can be a lot harder than one might expect. You need the sample to be clean. But it’s not like you can wring out the diaper.
Cotton Balls
There is a way to make this much easier. Cotton balls! Yep, that’s the secret. Keep cotton balls on hand. When you get this request, throw a handful into the diaper. You can use 4 or 5, or if they are the large kind, you’ll just need 1 or 2. You can toss the entire cotton ball into the collection cup. You can also glove up and wring out the cotton ball into the cup. It’s easy and saves so much time.
Collection Bags
There are collection bags that you may be able to have your doctor order for you. too. These are pretty cool. They have a sticky opening that you can adhere to your child’s skin and a plastic baggy that collects the urine. If you collect samples often, it may be worth it to ask your doctor to order some of these so that you can keep them on hand. You can buy them online at Amazon.
We always kept a handful of collection cups, bags, cotton balls, and even sputum traps on hand. It was so much easier to collect these at home and save a trip to the clinic for collection. Most doctors will have some of these on hand that you can take home with you. And if they don’t, you may be able to get them to order some so your insurance covers it instead of paying out of pocket.
Other options are to check with medical supply exchange groups and other parents. They may have extras they can share.
More information on medical supplies can be found at Supplies and Medical Equipment for children with Disabilities.
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