Here are some great services for kids with cortical visual impairment.
Categories: Diagnosis & Health Care
Having a child with autism is a challenge. Some things work. Some things don’t. And some things surprise you. Our family keeps on trying.
Categories: Family Support
I wasn't ready for my first ARD. But now I am. Here's how I got prepared.
Categories: Education & Schools
You never know what life is going to throw at you or when. It is important that you have a plan in place to care for your child.
Categories: Family Support
People can be rude and unthinking. They say things that are hurtful or thoughtless. I don’t always handle it well. But I try. Here are 2 examples of how I responded.
Categories: Family Support
Our home seems to run on routines. At times that can be a wonderful thing. But some days I would really love some spontaneity.
Categories: Family Support
ARD meetings can be intimidating. You may forget which questions to ask. So here's a list of questions I always take to my ARD meetings.
Categories: Education & Schools
Over the years our family has bought a ton of different items that were supposed to be helpful and make life easier. Sadly, most of them failed. Instead of making life easier, it made the situation worse. Here are the things that worked for us.
Categories: Family Support
My husband and I have been having trouble with our youngest daughter. She would rather lie than tell the truth. And she has been stealing from us and her brothers.
Categories: Family Support
I'm very good at getting what is right for my son. Conflict doesn’t scare me a bit.
Categories: Transition to Adulthood