Our Mission: To support individuals with Down Syndrome, their families and the community by providing accurate and current information about resources, educational awareness, social opportunities, and guidance on being better advocates. Our Vision: We envision a community where all people with Down Syndrome are actively included, given opportunities to participate and contribute as valued citizens, and have the choice to create their own path to fulfillment and success. Our Services Include: ●Support for parents after prenatal/postnatal diagnosis ● Facebook support group ● Available to attend doctor’s appointments to provide support ● Available to provide help when filling out applications for various forms of assistance such Social Security, Medicaid Voucher Programs, etc. ● Newsletters ● Annual World Down Syndrome Day Celebration & Buddy Walk ● Available financial assistance for medical costs ● Local & national resource information for families ● Christmas Party, Rockhounds Picnic and Mom’s & Dad’s Nights Out ● All events free of charge for our families
PO Box 52701
Midland , 79710, TX
Ubicación accesible: No
Tipo de organización | Sin fines de lucro (501c3) |
Categorías | Advocacy, Disability Specific, Emotional Support, Financial, Sibling Activity, Teen Activity, Volunteer Opportunity, Other |
¿Se ofrecen servicios en Español? | yes |
¿Tienen boletín informativo? | yes |
¿Cuidado de niños disponible? | No |
Rango de edad | Todas las edades |
Categorías de discapacidad | Developmental Disability, Genetic or Congenital Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Learning Disability, Medical Condition |
¿Esta organización incluye todas las discapacidades? | No |
Esta organización incluye estos diagnósticos específicos | Síndrome de Down (Trisomía 21) |
¿Es un grupo de padres estatal? | yes |
Sitio Web | https://www.facebook.com/groups/21DreamsDSA |
Nombre de la persona de contacto | Natalie Acosta |
Correo electrónico | [email protected] |
Número de teléfono | 4322081873 |
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