The council is committed to making Scouting accessible and enjoyable to all Scouts, regardless of their abilities. Since its founding in 1910, the Boy Scouts of America has included fully participating members with physical, mental, and emotional disabilities. The BSA's policy is to treat members with disabilities as much like other members as possible. It has been traditional, however, to make some accommodations in advancement if absolutely necessary. By adapting the environment and/or our instruction methods, most Scouts with disabilities can be successful in Scouting.
The basic premise of Scouting for youth with disabilities is full participation. Youth with disabilities can be treated and respected like every other member of their unit. They want to participate like other youth - and Scouting provides that opportunity.
An individual is considered to have a disability if they:
2225 N Loop W
Houston, 77008, TX
Ubicación accesible: No
Tipo de organización | Sin fines de lucro (501c3) |
Categorías | CSHCN Activity, Special Education, Teen Activity, Training, Other |
¿Se ofrecen servicios en Español? | No |
¿Tienen boletín informativo? | yes |
¿Cuidado de niños disponible? | No |
Rango de edad | De 15 a 21 , Mayores de 22 |
Categorías de discapacidad | Developmental Disability, Genetic or Congenital Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Learning Disability, Medical Condition, Mental Health Disorder, Physical Disability |
¿Esta organización incluye todas las discapacidades? | yes |
Esta organización incluye estos diagnósticos específicos | |
¿Es este un servicio estatal? | No |
Sitio Web | |
Nombre de la persona de contacto | Regina Gervin |
Correo electrónico | [email protected] |
Número de teléfono | 713 659-8111 |
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