Homeowner qualifications for home repairs at no cost:
US military veteran living in Harris County, OR
Homeowners living in Third Ward Zip Code: 77004, OR
Homeowners living in rural areas in or near these Zip Codes: 77336, 77375, 77377, 77429, 77433, 77447, 77449, 77484, 77493, 77532, 77561, 77562;
Be living on a very low income (50% or lower of the Average Median Income for the Greater Houston/Harris County area);
Be a full-time resident and owner of the home (a single-family dwelling);
Be current on property taxes or have an official payment agreement with your County Tax Office for delinquent property taxes.
Not own more than 1 property.
Roof Restoration
Structural Stabilization
Exterior Repairs
Modifications and Safety Upgrades
104 N. Greenwood, Suite 100
Houston, 77011, TX
Ubicación accesible: No
Tipo de organización | Sin fines de lucro (501c3) |
Categorías | Housing, Other |
¿Se ofrecen servicios en Español? | No |
¿Tienen boletín informativo? | yes |
¿Cuidado de niños disponible? | No |
Rango de edad | Todas las edades |
Categorías de discapacidad | Developmental Disability, Genetic or Congenital Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Learning Disability, Medical Condition, Mental Health Disorder, Physical Disability |
¿Esta organización incluye todas las discapacidades? | yes |
Esta organización incluye estos diagnósticos específicos | |
¿Es este un servicio estatal? | No |
Sitio Web | https://rebuildingtogetherhouston.org/ |
Nombre de la persona de contacto | |
Correo electrónico | [email protected] |
Número de teléfono | 713.659.2511 |
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