Their mission is to enrich the lives of children with a brain injury and give hope to their families through support and education.
According to The Center for Head Injury Services, approximately 1 in 500 school-age children each year receive a head injury severe enough to be hospitalized. Although families are eligible for state and federal financial support, funding is limited, and families are forced to pay for medical care on their own. The emotional, physical and financial strain of caring for a disabled child takes an enormous toll on families.
Because Team Luke and Hope4Minds share the same goals, and have decided to work together. Just as the members of support groups find strength in one another, this partnership will further their goals of helping families pay for items not covered or partially covered by insurance, providing advocacy and education, and building support communities.
At the heart of their services is the conviction that the health and well-being of these children can improve over time if families have access to educational materials, therapeutic services, and adaptive equipment for their children. They also believe that families can gain strength by connecting with one other.
9600 Escarpment
Ste. 745
Austin, 78749, TX
Ubicación accesible: No
Tipo de organización | Sin fines de lucro (501c3) |
Categorías | Advocacy, Disability Specific, Financial, Volunteer Opportunity, Other |
¿Se ofrecen servicios en Español? | No |
¿Tienen boletín informativo? | No |
¿Cuidado de niños disponible? | No |
Rango de edad | De recién nacido a 3 años , De 3 a 5 , De 6 a 11 , De 12 a 14 , De 15 a 21 |
Categorías de discapacidad | Medical Condition |
¿Esta organización incluye todas las discapacidades? | No |
Esta organización incluye estos diagnósticos específicos | |
¿Es este un servicio estatal? | yes |
Sitio Web | |
Nombre de la persona de contacto | Ronda Johnson |
Correo electrónico | [email protected] |
Número de teléfono | 512-845-1466 |
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